Here is a reasonably complete collection of things written by me, interviews of me, book reviews about my book, and articles to which I contributed through interviews or quotes or data sets for the year 2016. It’s been a busy year, and rewarding in many ways.
My second book What’s Yours is Mine: Against the Sharing Economy was published by OR Books in November 2015, but I am including the book and related articles here, making it a “long 2016”.
- US and UK edition (link), OR Books, November 2015
- Canadian edition (link), Between the Lines Press, February 2016
- German edition (Deins ist Meins): Verlag Antje Kunstmann
- Spanish edition: Lo tuyo es mío, Taurus, November 2016
- Simplified Chinese edition: (Ginkgo Book Co.)
- French language edition (France and Québec): Ce Qui est à Toi est à Moi, translated by Hélène Rioux, Lux Editeur
Book chapter
- “Trust and Platform Cooperatives” in Ours to Hack and to Own, edited by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Scheider.
Invited Essays
- The Sharing Economy’s Dirty Laundry, Jacobin, March 2016
- The Sharing Economy isn’t about sharing, Alternet, March 27, 2016 (excerpt)
- What’s Yours is Mine, AFR Weekend, Australian Financial Review, May 28, 2016 (excerpt)
- Airbnb is Facing an Existential Expansion Problem, Harvard Business Review digital article, July 11, 2016
- The downsides of sharing, Monocle (rejected)
Reviews of “What’s Yours is Mine”
- What’s Yours is Mine, Håkan Lindgren, Svenska DagBladet, Jan 11, 2016.
- The broken promise of the sharing economy, Ralf Grötker, Netopia, Feb 3, 2016
- Raw Deals, Ben Terrall, Counterpunch, Feb 12, 2016.
- What’s Yours is Mine, Saul of Hearts, Medium, Feb 25, 2016
- L’atto d’accusa contro la sharing economy, Fabio Chiusi, L’Espresso, 09 March 2016 (Italian)
- The Unforeseen Dangers of Uber and Airbnb, Robert E. Levine, The Spectator (UK), March 5, 2016
- Ist Carsharing das neue Lohndumping? (German), Welt, Oliver Rasche, April 2016.
- Book of the Day, Steven Poole, The Guardian, April 2, 2016.
- Tom Slee’s What’s Yours is Mine, Cathy O’Neil, April 20, 2016
- Die Sharing Economy – nur eine illusion?, Birgit Stratmann, Netzwerk Ethikheute, (German)
- Sheared, Rohinton Medhora, Literary Review of Canada, May 2016
- Book slams Uber, Airbnb, and Sharing Economy, Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star, May 1, 2016
- What’s Yours is Mine, Peter Richardson, Truthdig, May 2, 2016.
- Teile und herrsche, Thomas Wagner, junge Welt, May 10, 2016
- What’s Yours is Mine, Liz Pelly, Maximum Rocknroll, June 2016
- What’s Yours is Mine, Howard Doughty, The Innovation Journal, 21 (1) 2016
- What’s Yours is Mine, Ruth Latta, The Compulsive Reader, March 25, 2016
- Le duel des critiques, BFM Business, (French, video).
- What do we do about a problem like Uber, Andrew Orlowski, The Register, 15 Jan 2016
- Inside the sharing economy, Per Strömbäck, Netopia, 3 Feb 2016
- Every person a market, Chuck Mertz, This is Hell, 23 Feb 2016 (audio),
- The Sharing Economy is Not Your Friend, Drew Millard, Vice, Feb 2016.
- Sharing is not always caring, James Jackson, Waterloo Chronicle, 09 Mar 2016
- Geldwertes Teilen, DeutschlandRadio Kultur, 12 March 2016 (German)
- The technology is just a shiny shopfront, Barbara Speed, The New Statesman, 21 March 2016.
- “Diese Jobs schaffen ein neues Prekariat”, Nils Klawitter, Spiegel Online, 23 March 2016 (German)
- Teile und herrsche, Barbara Hofler, NZZ Am Sontag, 16 April 2016 (German, Switzerland)
- What’s Yours is Mine, Redeye Collective, Vancouver (audio), 29 April 2016
- Sharing the wealth, unevenly, The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TV Ontario, 4 May 2016
- Uber og Airbnb underminerer demokratiet, Assia Awad, djoefbladet, 26 May 2016 (Danish)
- Sharing economy platforms exist for one purpose only, which is to make money for their investors, Felix Simon, Medium, 6 June 2016
- 10 Questions on the sharing economy, The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TV Ontario, 14 June 2016
- Can’t find a home in Seattle? Airbnb rentals may be to blame, Gene Balk, The Seattle Times, 15 June 2016 (Seattle)
- Short-term rentals are reshaping real estate market in some cities, Tony Gonzalez, Marketplace, 20 Sept 2016
- The Sharing Economy Blues, David Hugill, Canadian Dimension, 23 September 2016
- Die Sharing Economie ist eine Blase, (German), Marc Kowalsky, Bilanz, November 2016.
- UK Tribunal Rules in Favour of Uber Drivers (audio), Redeye Collective, Vancouver, 22 Nov 2016
- The so-called sharing economy, Richard Aedy, The Money, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December 2016, (audio)
Quoted, and Airbnb data
- Nobody’s Business: CCPA report on short-term rentals in Toronto, 22 September 2016
- Airbnb cutting into available rentals in Toronto, study shows, Metro News, 22 Sep 2016
- Airbnb cutting into available rentals in city, Tess Kalinowski, Toronto Star, 22 Sep 2016
- Airbnb Is Sapping Toronto Of Rental Housing: Report, Jesse Ferreras, Huffington Post, 22 Sep 2016
- (and others)
- Airbnb has made it nearly impossible to find a place to live in this city, Kristen V. Brown, Fusion, May 24. (Reykjavik)
- How do we research the sharing economy when the data can’t be validated?, Andrew Gelman, Monkey Cage Blog (Washington Post), June 6, 2016.
- Cities take aim at Airbnb, Sunny Dhillon, Globe and Mail, 11 July 2016
- Airbnb in Vancouver and its impact on affordable housing, Iain Marjoribanks, 1 June 2016,
- Airbnb open to market regulations in large cities like Vancouver, Mike Hager, Globe and Mail, 25 July 2016 (Vancouver)
- Iceland tourism and the mixed blessings of Airbnb, Andrew Scheivachman, Skift, 19 Aug 2016
- Small towns can’t handle the sharing economy tourism boom, Kristen V. Brown, Fusion, 28 August 2016.
- Airbnb et Uber, Nicholas Tittley, Radio Canada, September 2016. (audio)
- Lancé à Bordeaux, l’observatoire Airbnb veut créer un débat national, Xavier Ridon, Rue89 Bordeaux, 25 Oct 2016 (Bordeaux)
- New York deflates Airbnb, The Economist, 29 Oct 2016.
- The 14 th Global Forum on Tourism Statistics, 23-25 Nov 2016
- Consumo collaborativo: dall’anticapitalismo al rilancio del mercato, Carlo Lottiere, il Giornale, 7 Dec 2016 (Italian)
Report: How Airbnb hid the facts in New York City
Together with Murray Cox of Inside Airbnb, I produced a report on Airbnb’s removal of 1500 listings in New York, just in time to make its public release of data look good.
- The report: my site, and Inside Airbnb
- List of media reports, including New York Times, The Guardian, and NBC.
- Airbnb admits it purged listings: Fusion,
- Octopus Books (Ottawa)
- Last but not Least Feast, Words Worth Books and The New Quarterly (Kitchener-Waterloo)
- Word on the Street (Toronto)
- The City Seminar: The Ghost Economy, York University, November 4, 2016.
Hello Whimsley,
Happy New Year, and Boxing Day, and so forth 😉
Here is something that I find deeply puzzling: I know plenty of people among the alt-right who object strongly to the sharing economy. (No, I am not referring to that Frederich Hayek guy on Twitter!) These people want tariffs, had parents who were members of non-government unions, and worry about cities like San Francisco (in concert with Uber and Lyft and Airbnb) exploiting people who can’t get, or aren’t interested in jobs in high-tech. They worry about affordable housing for everyone, not just the techno elite. They ridicule techno-utopian libertarian fantasies. They work in technology or the law, in so-called Rust Belt communities. You wouldn’t like their strong ethno-nationalist support for white people and Christianity. I have found them to be supportive of any religion that involves genuine belief (as long as there is no proselytizing). They know that I am Jewish and female, but are supportive of my goals and are attentive and polite when I express my opinions.
So, this is what I wonder, Tom Slee: Why can’t these modern day alt-right people (who in most ways, could be described as authoritarian left) ally with individuals like yourself, to accomplish goals that universally benefit silenced or ignored voices? No, “voices” is the language of social justice. A better description is impoverished, ignored and exploited citizens of our nations of Canada and the United States.
In other words, forget about so-called intersectionality and identity politics. Can’t we be allies with those whose ideology is not identical to our own, but has Venn intersections in common?